Sunrise Children’s Services
300 Hope Street
P.O. Box 1429
Mt. Washington, KY 40047

Stories of Hope Blog

Help Sunrise Comfort Children this Mother’s Day

May 12, 2024

“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you . . . .” – Isaiah 66:13 (NIV)

Sunrise wishes all mothers a very happy Mother’s Day and recognizes the important roles mothers fulfill. One such role is providing love and comfort to their children. In doing so, they are modeling true love and comfort that comes from God Himself.

All children deserve a loving home where they can find comfort and protection. Sadly, this isn’t the case for thousands of children in Kentucky who have been removed from their homes. That is why the work of Sunrise foster parents is so important. They need your prayers. They need your support.

Will you remember our faithful and committed foster parents this Mother’s Day? We first ask for your prayers. Please pray that they will receive wisdom, strength, and patience to carry out God’s calling to provide comfort for the children in their care.

Consider also giving a Mother’s Day gift to Sunrise in May to help our Sunrise foster families. By simply giving a gift today, you are helping bring comfort to our Sunrise kids by letting them know they are valuable, cared for, and loved, in tangible ways. A gift to Sunrise will help our kids acquire emergency placement supplies, sports uniforms, equipment, musical instruments, and so much more.

Giving to Sunrise is easy. To make a Mother’s Day gift, go to There you can also make your gift in honor or in memory of your mother, a special lady in your life, or any loved one.

Your gift this season to Sunrise can help bring smiles and comfort to families. It may even help our children find their forever homes!

Article written by David Lyninger, Sunrise director of Communications.