Are you interested in becoming a foster parent in Kentucky through Sunrise Children’s Services? Inquire online for more information on becoming a Sunrise foster parent. We need you!
On any given day, there are more than 400,000 children in foster care in the United States. Despite the common perception that the majority of children in foster care are very young, the average age of a child in care is around 8-9 years old.
In 2016, more than 65,000 children who were living in foster care and waiting to be adopted, had their biological parental rights permanently terminated. And, while states should work rapidly to find safe, permanent homes, children spend an average of nearly two years waiting to be adopted by their forever family.
Sunrise is a Christ-centered foster care ministry. We know that fostering a child is a calling, but we also know that God has called His church to accept the magnificent responsibility and mission to stand in the trenches, fill the huge gaps in child welfare, and reach out to the most vulnerable among us. We must care for those who cannot protect or speak for themselves.
Through our Christian foster care ministry, Sunrise Children’s Services has answered the call to help individuals who join in this very special ministry of blessings and servanthood, and be His word in action. Sunrise Children’s Services ministry allows our team of dedicated, professional staff to fully connect our history of helping children in crisis to the present in order to build our future in accordance with the Lord’s directive in James 1:27.
We believe no one is more exceptionally equipped and gifted to take an active role in the lives of our commonwealth’s most abused and neglected as God’s church. God has mandated this role to us, and we are called to represent Him and show true life testimony to the fact His grace is sufficient in weakness, and that His mercy and grace will bring the fullness of peace during the most tragic times in life.
We are seeking families to surround a child and invite him or her to experience a community that is the church made real in action, not just in word. Coming to the defense of the broken, showing the love of God to the helpless, creating an environment of love and support for the forgotten, and seeking justice in the midst of chaos is the very calling of the church, and Sunrise works to fulfill that calling every day.