Sunrise Children’s Services
300 Hope Street
P.O. Box 1429
Mt. Washington, KY 40047

Stories of Hope Blog

Changing Lives in a Changing World

April 20, 2021

The year 2020 was not at all what any of us thought it would be. But the uncertainty, heartache, and fear that many of us experienced during the past year are frankly what our Sunrise boys and girls have been facing most of their lives. Thanks be to God, and because of your generosity, not even COVID-19 could stop us from helping families mend their brokenness and find a path to hope and healing.
We took care of children every day. Some of our children developed COVID-19. For them we never stopped providing care, and they all pulled through. We are still here, doing the important work.

Even in the midst of a pandemic, Sunrise had much to be thankful for in 2020. During the year, we celebrated 59 adoptions. Since the beginning of our foster-to-adopt program in 2006, our total adoptions are now 582! Thank you for your part in bringing families together.

Your generous giving has also helped our kids find their eternal homes. During our last fiscal year, our ministry reported 3 rededications, 19 baptisms, and 27 professions of faith. God is doing miraculous things in the lives of our kids, in the hearts of our families, and through your faithful giving.

Have you ever thought that the children we are serving here at Sunrise are not here by coincidence? Could it be that the children we serve everyday have been placed here by God to be part of a more positive world? Let’s empower all of them to grow up to embrace that world we are handing over to them. Let’s empower them to be more confident, to be successful, to embrace the challenge of the day.
Through your support and prayers, we can be the ministry that prepares them to be change agents for a better society, to become good moms and dads, to become involved in their communities and to understand something bigger than them is driving this big ole ship. That something is a God that truly loves them.

Let’s inspire them all to heights they never could have imagined. So please pray for our country and leaders, and pray that Sunrise might have the wisdom to lead children in a way that enables them to embrace all that we hand over to them.

None of us know what 2021 will bring, but we believe that He has blessed this ministry in the past, He will continue to do so through 2021. Yes, the pandemic has brought countless challenges, but we have found a way, through God’s leading and your help, to continue providing care to our most vulnerable. Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey!

Because of you, the love of Christ has been shared with the broken hearted, and children and families have been given a fresh start. Your compassion is greatly appreciated this year and always. Your prayers and support will help us continue to change the lives of children and families in a constantly changing world.

With great hope,

Dale Suttles